W.O.O.P. Your Goals in the Butt to Reach Your GOALS

2020 Goals

We’re already three weeks into the new year and we are seeing that our clients either have great momentum


they’re beginning to feel the effects of creating too many unmanageable goals.  

Perhaps you relate…. Are you experiencing a loss of motivation from jumping in too quickly without a well thought out strategy? Or are you overwhelmed with too many things on your plate? 

Writing your thoughts down has been scientifically proven to help you accomplish your goals.  

So, let’s try something new. Instead of putting too much on your to-do list without creating a plan, and thus causing yourself more stress, let’s W.O.O.P. those habits so you can reach your goals! 

W.O.O.P. comes from German Psychologist Gabriele Oettingen, whose research is based around how people think about the future and the impact it has on their cognition, emotion, and behavior.  

W - Wish:  What is it that you want to accomplish?  What is your goal? (Try to describe in one sentence, we want to be specific.)

Ex. I want to bring a healthy lunch to work.  

O - Outcome:  Envision the outcome.  What is the benefit of this wish that you will experience if you were to accomplish this goal?  (Again, describe one sentence as we are trying to be as specific as possible)

Ex.  I won’t eat unhealthy snacks at work, and it will help me fit better in my jeans.

O - Obstacles:  What might get in your way of completing this wish?  Write down all that apply and choose according to what is realistic.  

Ex.  Laziness.  I don’t have time.  I don’t have any food to prepare.

P - Plans:  What will you do if those obstacles do get in the way?  (A great format to use for this one is an “If….Then” statement.)  

Ex.  Laziness:  If I prepare my lunch ahead of time, then I will avoid getting fast food instead.     

W.O.O.P. Goals The Fuse.jpg

After you take the time to write your wishes down following the W.O.O.P. guidelines, you will either be ready for action or will see that you may need to adjust your wishes.  Sometimes, seeing it on paper allows us to realize that it may be an unrealistic wish at this time. You know what you can handle, so remember to start small. There’s always room later to add on, or take it a step further.  Just remember, that once you have created your plan, the next step is to take action.